Caught some of Palin spouting her bilge this morning. As much as I could stand. Ok, more than I could stand.
Apparently, after abruptly resigning as governor of Alaska, under scrutiny, Ms Sarah is now launching her campaign for President. I guess that is what is up. I would ask her, but clearly she has no idea what she is doing.
Her entire spiel consisted of complaining and criticizing. Poorly timed inflections, poorly stated "facts" fraught with verbal blunders - probably because she really has a poor grasp of the stuff of which she speaks. I wonder, shudderingly, if Palin were to become our fearless leader, would she have a plan? For her only platform seems to be one of "liberal" bashing.
At times, Palin, usually poised and all cutely displayed, morphed into an ugly caricature as she wound into her sarcastic and biting moments. It was frightening, actually. The image that came to mind was that of the wicked witch of the west (Apologies, Erin). The effect was haunting and surreal.
Palin's speach was heavy on fear. Fear of those nasty liberals, fear of our leaders, and most of all, fear of "Big Government". Oooohhhh...... I think I would be afraid, be very afraid of continuing to be owned and ruled by "Big Corporation". Think about it. What is our government designed and intended to be? That's right. Of the people, by the people and for the people. And what are Corporations designed to be? Yep. (take) from the people, (give) to the wealthy, (for) only themselves.
It really frightens me to see the wingnuts trying to stir up revolution. The enormous disparity in our society which allows "left" persuasion dissidents to be imprisoned while the "right" persuasion wingnuts are loudly calling for revolution, using public office and public funds to organize resistance and dissention is alarming.
Most frightening of all is to think that we could actually have another leader who is a good rabble rouser, but actually not too bright, not even wise enough to realize that working with the system is the thing to do. That we could actually face Sarah Palin, the veritable "Miss Priggy" of this muppet show of the Righteous Right as the President of the United States.